Friday, January 28, 2011

miracles and faith

How many can say that they have seen a miracle? Personally I believe that I've seem many. Although none have been so obvious as turning water into wine or a immediate healing of the sick. But I do know a twelve year old girl who was in a atv accident and was put in the hospital under critical condition. After days of many people praying for her she was released with a full recovery ten days later. In my eyes that was a miracle. But it does beg the question of whether it was a miracle God did because of all the prayers,or was it because she had doctors who knew how to handle the situation. Personally I think God worked  through the doctors to cure the girl. but someone could easily say it was only the doctors and God was not involved in it. It's a matter of ones faith. Some think that having a prayer answered is a miracle. But others could argue it was just coincidence. And it is not a matter of both are right. God either did the miracle or He did not. I believe that God almost always leaves room for faith or you could say doubt. I know that God will not push Himself on someone who does not chose to believe in Him or His works. I wish I could give an answer to this question of is it a miracle or not. But I cant. It's always a matter of faith. But I would like to ask you to try to have a more open mind and heart toward prayer and God and if you do you just might start seeing the miracles that others claim God does.
 But most important you must believe That Jesus was crucified on a cross for the sins of the human race an rose from the dead three days later. There is alot of evidence of the resurrection if one would take the time to look for it in the Bible and other sources. So that we could be forgiven of our sins and be able to enter into heaven. But this too is a matter of faith. I encourage anyone who does not have this faith to open their minds and heart to God and let Him make Himself known to you.

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